• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


75 gallon marineland,30 gallon trigger ruby sump,eflux return pump, daul socks,2-1200 gph overflow box,syphon lifter pump,18” current ic led in sump,3 channel 6 bulb T5 fixture for growth,current ic 48” for looks and night cycle, 3 alternating wave makers,5 stage sun sun filter used for diatom filtering only , when needed twice a year at water changes, 80 pounds various live rock in tank,40 pounds of live rock in sump.

Mixed reef all types
Yellow Tang
Coral beauty
Starry Blenny
Blue Devil Damsel
Gold Head Goby
Barber shop Goby
Scooter Blenny
Engineer Goby
White/Clear Bristle Worms
Emerald Crabs
Various Snails
Red and Blue Hermit Crabs
Chocolate Chip Star Fish
Waving Hands
95 Gallons Saltwater
Sorry no kitchen sink
December 5