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Recent content by CaptainAhab

  1. C

    WTGA: 20G tall sump

    Someone asked so here is more info: 20G tall .... 24lx17hx12w Center baffle 14.5 inches, 1.5 inches off the base 2 outer baffles 8 inches high baffles 1" or so apart chamber 1 approx 5 1/2 inches chamber 2 approx 15 inches
  2. C

    WTGA: 20G tall sump

    Anyone in SJ make use of this? 20G tall, 2 chamber/3 baffle sump (made to fit a Mag9+). It's you or the trash man.. Your move... 08096
  3. C

    South Jersey Chaeto

    Anyone in SJ clipping? Majority of mine somehow got thru the trap and was chopped to pieces and distributed thru the tank. Grrrr Gallon bag maybe?
  4. C

    Who is running Iron Oxide Hydroxide (GFO)????????

    Other than the fact that their combined experience with the product probably far exceeds yours and they have direct access to the manufacturer. That's their credentials. Yours are?
  5. C

    Live rock advice needed

    If it's truly fully cured then you'll need to feed it while you're gone. Put a small raw shrimp or some food in a nylon bag. or dose with some ammonia before you go.
  6. C

    Live rock advice needed

    I guess I disagree to some extent. If the rock is truly cured then there won't be any excess proteins being created as there won't be any livestock in the tank. The issue is with feeding the bacteria that has formed (assuming your interested in keeping it; when you add the existing 50lb from the...
  7. C


    nitrites or nitrates?
  8. C

    Freshwater Dip Process?

    In the end, the longer the QT the better your chances of identifying any issues and treating them. However, it just lessens your chances, not eliminates them.
  9. C

    Fresh Air exchanger helps low PH

    Could I ask, what is your alk reading? Are you open top or glass cover?
  10. C

    Freshwater Dip Process?

    Gotcha, just a difference in style. I QT to determine if there is ich then treat. Sounds like you treat as if there was ich just to be on the safe side
  11. C

    Freshwater Dip Process?

    any particular reason for doing both? and the extended hypo? Just something that works for you? I've never seen reference to such a long hypo treatment or doing both. Juss wondering
  12. C

    Who is running Iron Oxide Hydroxide (GFO)????????

    That's the name! Though I had them attributed to a small company... :-[
  13. C

    Live stock question

    If you aquascape n such a way that you effectively split the tank in two by making a wall/semi wall of LR in the middle you might give them enough space to feel that they have their own territory. Same w/ the crabs. That's if you really really wanna keep them and are willing to mold your tank...
  14. C

    Who is running Iron Oxide Hydroxide (GFO)????????

    You are correct, although I think they either bought it (and have the old company as an affiliate or subsidiary) or were looking to sell it off to a smaller company. I remember seeing the article in one of the Chem mag's I have around here. BRS isn't willing to part with some of the info ( I...