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Recent content by KB Pet Products

  1. KB Pet Products

    Local Inhabitants

    I tried posting some pics but I'm not having luck.
  2. KB Pet Products

    Local Inhabitants

    Sea horses and pipe fish caught in great egg.
  3. KB Pet Products

    Local Inhabitants

    A boat is helpfull but not needed. You need shallow, calm water. Drag net along bottom, but don't dig in to dirt. Look for grassy water. As far as putting catch in tanks, I don't. I would set up a quarantine tank. It's not like buying a fish from lfs. The salt level, ph and temp are far to...
  4. KB Pet Products

    Local Inhabitants

    We harvest our prawns from great egg harbor. In the nets we find prawn, silver sides, shrimp, pipe fish (a ton of em),sea horses, and fish. We often see Angel fish and many others that don't belong in jersey. The guy who works for us is friends with a marine biologists , they go out together and...
  5. KB Pet Products

    i need feeding advice please

    We have been trying get back into those stores. Not everybody wants to carry us thou. If I havent mentioned it before, our foods use to be "Olsens Frozen Fishfoods" and were sold in both stores. If you ask for it there, maybe they will carry again. The Fish Factory has some of our foods there...
  6. KB Pet Products

    i need feeding advice please

    Thanks mnat and shipwrecked, we appreciate the good words. With your livestock, i would recommend the full spectrum. Its full of fresh clam, zooplankton, seaweed, krill, and mussel. Its mainly a meaty food with some seaweed thrown in. Fish will go crazy for it and what ever floats away will be...
  7. KB Pet Products

    A Hidden Coral Store

    This store is definitely cool with a large variety of coral. Don't let the size fool you, this place is worth going to. Good luck with the store guys.
  8. KB Pet Products

    Did underwater world go under?

    This store is shaping up . Talked to the guys the other day and they still have a bit more work to be done. Should be a good store in a few weeks. They are open during improvements.
  9. KB Pet Products

    Meeting Thank you

    David, Thanks for hosting, I loved your tank and wish you good luck with it. Your filtration system is impressive.
  10. KB Pet Products

    2011 - June meeting - RSVP...

    KB Pet Products, makers of KB Fish Foods, will be attending the meeting with some frozen foods to hand out.. So if your a member attending, bring along a little cooler to take some food home. Please go to our forum for more details.