• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Recent content by SeaStar

  1. S

    cheato near heater

    I have had a heater in my refugium for years that contains cheato and comes in contact with the heater. No problems. Realize that the fuge is 25gal so it's not like the cheato is compacted tightly around the heater. I doubt you should have any issues with it though unless the cheato gets so...
  2. S

    Tank Hood

    I lose close to a gallon a day on my 55 so two gallons sounds normal for a 120. I really feel auto top-offs are a must for any SW setup because adding anything on a daily basis is going to get old real fast. Not to mention what to do when you need to be away from the tank for several days/weeks.
  3. S


    Chris many worms are considered beneficial in reef aquaria and many aquariusts add them purposely to their system. What have you been reading that refers to them as a nuisance unless you are refering to flatworms as was mentioned by previous poster. If you are concerned about the latter where...
  4. S

    June Meeting, address & directions

    Thanks Boris. Can I bring something for the meeting? Please let me know.
  5. S

    Tring to set up a 29gal fish only

    I wouldn't use a dsb in a 29. A DSB needs a minimum surface area in order to be considered effective and a 29 won't cut it. Your better off saving the space for some extra live rock or just more swimming area. Everything else sounds good. You will have to decide weather the small skimmer is...
  6. S


    Yes there is on the 23rd I believe it is. Go to the RC site and that is where Disney (the host) posted it. It may be on the 2nd or 3rd page by now.
  7. S

    Sandbed Diversity Program

    Alan where you been buddy. Everyone is awaiting the back issues of NJRC's offical mag ;D. I agree there could be some risk. Hopfully a fellow member wouldn't participate if they knew they had undesireables. Thats why at the meetings we will just put out a bucket and whoever wishes to...
  8. S

    At Wits End....AGAIN!

    I like jason's plan. Unfortunatley the Acme company is no longer in business. Now being you have already restorted to skewers you may be beyond this suggestion. I have never tried this but the theory sounds solid. Being most people don't put rocks in the front several inches of their tank this...
  9. S

    Flatworms!!!! Please help!!!

    That sucks. I know people have reported success with flatworm exit. They will hopefully chime in soon. I never had them so can't advise. Do you know where they came from.
  10. S


    I originally purchased my rock from www.PremiumAquatics.com. I was extremmly pleased with shapes, variety of sizes and corraline coverage. However that was 3 years ago so I would try to get some more recent experiances.
  11. S


    I wouldn't call it research so much. More along the lines of gathering opinions and experiences and then drawing my own conclusions. I like the idea of all the "good" life and being shipped in water with little die off. I don't like the "bad" critters that comes on a majority of the rock...
  12. S

    Thank You Terry and Seatopia

    Just wanted to Thank Terry and his wife for organizing this months meeting and Seatopia for hosting. We had a decent turnout and alot of new faces. Seatopia really gave us free rein of the place allowing the trading of frags and allowing me to sell my sample packs on behalf of the club. The...
  13. S

    Sandbed Diversity Program

    I would really like to start a tradition of everyone that attends our monthly meetings brings a cup of sand from their system to the meeting. All the sand would be mixed together in one large container and then everyone would take out a cup to add back to their system. This will help all the...
  14. S

    Regarding NJRC Member Status:

    Haggisman, Requests for applications should go to Rosie the secretary. I will forward your request to her.
  15. S

    New to forum

    I agree with tracey, I would purchase most of my rock online. The quality is so much better and cheaper. I was going to purchase some TBS rock because I liked all the life that is preserved on the rock but got talked out of it because of the bad critters that are so often associated with and the...