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Search results

  1. M

    Merry Christmas

    Just wanted to say hello to all of my NJ friends, great meeting you all this year. I hope next is just as good for you (had to do it :) ) Merry Christmas and travel safe this week ! and of course to any of you not celebrating Christmas Tuesday is officially tank cleaning day ....enjoy it :)
  2. M

    My table from Marco Rocks

    Nice frag rack, The Fish look to be lovin it too.
  3. M

    Distasteful Advertising... leaves a bad taste in my mouth!

    I bet they didn't even know the difference between live corals and dead. "Hey lets put it here with all the pretty white ones" After looking some more are they even dead?or just a lousy washed out photo? Regardless the add doesn't even tie in, "Holds up under the harshest conditions"...
  4. M

    "Good For YOU " thread

    Wow I don't know you by screen name but I know that table :) reefgeek? I guess so! Saturday night sure was a good time as was the rest of the weekend. well aside from driving in traffic Friday, and driving hungover Sunday.
  5. M

    "Good For YOU " thread

    Well... There's only one possible response to that! GOOD FOR YOU
  6. M

    "Good For YOU " thread

    Can't wait to see the pics, I'm sure you two will make them look awesome Ha... Well here's a start :) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140173341041&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  7. M

    "Good For YOU " thread

    Well after this weekend I figure it's only a matter of time so I'll be first. We had a great weekend.Thanks for everything.