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Search results

  1. Bluefinin

    Frag rack in sump

    Your flow through your sump is the same as your return in your tank, the sump is a smaller area that has plenty of flow through it so a power head may upset your frags unless they like it rough :beatdeadhorse5::)
  2. Bluefinin

    Water change

    In my opinion, you need to invest in a diatom filter system. That nasty! I like running high nutrition in tank but not that high
  3. Bluefinin

    How to move an anemone that’s inside a rock

    You need a wand for magic. Not cards
  4. Bluefinin


    Did they at least let you bring in or set up a reef system ;) Get well dude people new you out here:cheerful:
  5. Bluefinin

    How high do you mount you’re lights?

    My 3 channel T5’s are 12” above water. My leds are 2” above water. That is what works for my growth of corals and lighting :)
  6. Bluefinin

    How to move an anemone that’s inside a rock

    Cotton swab with vinaigrette