• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. S

    Flatworms!!!! Please help!!!

    i though i had them until i realized they are not flatworms they are stometalla.. http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/pages/picture_pages/faq_stomatella.html mike
  2. S

    Flatworms!!!! Please help!!!

    i just discovered that i have them too... :'( i only have a 55... i have no clue what to do first im going to try that greenex i guess anyother suggestions..... by the way what do flat worms hurt or do they hurt anything???? mike
  3. S

    Is My Rhodactus Splitting?

    it looks like its.. that swhat you want dont you?? thats means your getting another mushroom... i wish mine did that..... :) mike
  4. S


    your the man jason... deffinetly awsome
  5. S


    awsome it worked yeah
  6. S


    like that
  7. S

    Regarding NJRC Member Status:

    well heres my address slik1511@aol.com just in case you dont have it... mike
  8. S


  9. S


    when you post i wanted to change my font and it didnt work i guess.... im not sure how to do it.....oh well.... and i did change my profile....i could figure out what that was.....oh welp.....you have to agree this is cool... mike
  10. S


    Whats up with im a llama thing though.....i like llamas and all but what is it?????
  11. S


    This Is AwsomeI like this website...its like we have our own little site to talk on......"NJRC REEFERS ONLY" this is cool :) :) :) :) :) :)