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Search results

  1. S

    AGA vs Oceanic?

    Also, Oceanic offers a longer warranty (5-year)
  2. S

    Peppermint Shrimp as cleaners?

    They will occasionally clean but not as frequently as the skunk cleaner shrimp.
  3. S

    Dead Fish

    I second the yellowtail damsel as a nice, non-evil fish, and relatively peaceful. Talbot's damsel also, if you can find them. Chromis are good, but they do bettter in schools.
  4. S

    Dead Fish

    I think it's definitely from lack of oxygen. Your problem happened after you turned off the pumps overnight. The powerheads were not enough to keep up with oxygen demand. DSB tanks are vulnerable to low oxygen because the bacteria in the bed consume it quickly during a power outage, leaving...
  5. S

    South Jersey

    Another shout out for Cherry Hill. The old Hidden Reef was the best store in the area hands down. Haven't been to the new place yet. Personally, I still prefer Aquarium Center to In Living Color because of the much better selection of dry goods. AC does seem to cater more to the new hobbyist...
  6. S

    giant bristleworm: sneak into the nursey and steal & eat your firstborn variety?

    Re: giant bristleworm: sneak into the nursey and steal & eat your firstborn vari Also, I've tried the hypersaline LR dip in the past, but it didn't work for me.
  7. S

    giant bristleworm: sneak into the nursey and steal & eat your firstborn variety?

    Re: giant bristleworm: sneak into the nursey and steal & eat your firstborn vari Six inches is nothing. Check out the six foot long worm that Steve Weast found in his tank! :o http://www.oregonreef.com/sub_worm.htm FWIW, I have at least one of the same worm that's in your picture that I...
  8. S

    Captive Bred Fish Options?

    For captive-bred fish you're pretty much limited to the options listed at Liveaquaria. Dwarf angels are just starting to be captive bred, but are not widely available yet. Tangs, butterflyfish, triggers, etc. have not been successfully done yet. Tank-raised or captive-raised fish are actually...
  9. S

    FEBRUARY 2007 MEETING FRAGS (Cherry Hill)

    Ok, found the pic. Not the greatest though.
  10. S

    FEBRUARY 2007 MEETING FRAGS (Cherry Hill)

    I can't find the pic I had, but if you go to zoaid.com they look like what they are calling Monster Lips.
  11. S

    FEBRUARY 2007 MEETING FRAGS (Cherry Hill)

    I have: purple palys (~15 polyps) blue polyp digi (4" multibranched) green striped mushrooms (unmounted). Anybody want to trade?
  12. S

    Gorgonia ID

    Coral magazine had a feature on Gorgonians, I think in the Nov/Dec. '06 issue. I remember seeing pictures of a species that looked like that. I can check for the name. I'm pretty sure it was non-photosynthetic.
  13. S

    Some days I love this hobby! What the heck is THIS?

    See, I think the Asterina stars often get a bad rap, much like the reef-safe hermit crabs. Asterina stars will definitely eat dead/dying coral tissue (possibly before death is discernible to the human eye?), but the live-coral-eating species are very rare. Plus they're extremely difficult, if...
  14. S

    February Meeting Sat 24th - in Cherry Hill NJ

    I am planning on making it to this one. It's so close to me I can almost walk there. I'll be bringing the wife and baby along, at least for part of the meeting. Don't know yet what I'll be bringing food-wise. Mmmm...Smithwicks :)
  15. S

    June Meeting

    I'm planning on making it to this one, probably alone. I'll have to start practicing my cannonball now.
  16. S

    May Meeting

    Yeah, she's pretty much ready to be done. Should be any time in the next 2 weeks or so. Thanks for the good wishes.
  17. S

    May Meeting

    I really wanted to make it to this one, but I don't think it's going to happen. I don't think I can safely leave the wife for that long, or travel that far from home at this stage. I'll have to catch up with you guys at the June meeting hopefully.
  18. S

    May Meeting

    I will be there, if my wife is not in labor. :o
  19. S

    Next Group Buy - Lighting

    I'd definitely be in for either 4 or 8 46.5" VHO bulbs, actinic and 50/50. Figure roughly $100-200.
  20. S

    February Meeting (2/19) Build your own Ca Reactor Bordentown

    I will be attending. No reactor. I like spicey.