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10k vs 14K MH bulbs (pics)


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Many people want to know what the difference is of appearance of 10k vs 14k bulbs. Recently I upgraded from 10k to 14k phoenix MH bulbs. Here are the pics of the tank with both bulbs so you be the judge.

10k Bulbs:



14k Bulbs:




Well there you have it, and if the glass looks dirty that is because I need to clean it.

In my opinion I really like the 14k phoenix bulbs and I like how the color pops. The blue is a very nice color. I will miss the 10k to a degree as nothing looks more like natural sunlight than the 10k bulbs. When I had a friend over they loved the look of the 10k bulbs and did not like the look of our T5 setup (half white half blue) as he said the 10k bulbs looked more natural. We will just have to see how things progress.
I like how the frogspawn turns into a birdsnest under the 14k bulbs.Just kidding.
I'm glad you posted pics,I was contemplating changing over to 14k bulbs myself,and I think you just sealed the deal.
So long,Pete


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The frogspawn actually turned into an anemone, it was a hermit crab that turned into the birdnest. ;)

So far I am very happy with them, I will try and get a shot of the difference in the anemone with the new bulbs, really brought out some great colors in him as well.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Here is a quick comparison of the nuclear greens and purple deaths.



