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20g long reef tank filtration

hey guys i wanted to setup a 20g long reef.... but i was wondering
how much filtration i needed for this type of tank

would just a refugium be enough as filtration?

i have a 10 gallon tank that fits inside the stand of the 20g
and was wondering if i could use that along with a protein skimmer
Nice pick! I love those tanks.

A HOB(hang-on back) Refugium and a sump/refugium are gonna do the same thing. Its pretty much what your prefer.

A sump means your going to have to drill holes and have an overflow while the HOB doesnt need that but you will be able to see it. If your doing a canopy then you obviously wont see it just the pips into the tank.
personally i'd skip the refugium...i know everyone has one - but in my opinion your time/energy (for this sized tank) would be better spent picking out an appropriate skimmer. A small clumping of LR rubble would be better if you were thinking of trying to help the pods/amphipods.

What kind of corals did you plan to have in the tank? All the filtration you need could be had with LR and (in my opinion) a skimmer. You'll want some Powerheads in the display (or a closed loop system).
i wanted to do all softies.... i have no clue what a closed loop system is
so i dont know if i want to do that...lol

i do have to koralia 3's but i think that may be too much flow in such a small tank
i already have a protein skimmer (seaclone100)and i know its not the best i honestly dont
have 300-400 bucks to drop on a top of the line skimmer ...so im trying to make due with what i have

list of what i have available..

20g long with stand and glass stand
empty 10g
2 koralia 3's
sea clone 100 protein skimmer
and a couple of hob power filters
that i could throw on there if needed
also have heaters laying around too
and a uv sterilizer... dont know if this is really necessary

and most importantly a friend that will give me a bunch of
free corals...lol