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activated carbon

ive been asking alot of questions about my tank.. i appreciate all the feedback. anyway.. so where is the best place to put a bag of activated carbon?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you have a sump, then putting carbon in a reactor with a small pump is the best way to go. If you are using a canister filter, you can put it in one of the layer trays.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
razorfingerz said:
so a bag in between my baffles would be inaffective?

The problem is the water will take the path of least resistance and go around the bag, unless the the baffles are complete covered in carbon so the water doesn't have anywhere else to go.
A pressurized filter is best, like an eheim or a hagen. I use a canister filter and fill the trays only with carbon. I change it every 3 weeks so that it doesnt become too filled with aerobic bacteria. You can use it in a filter sock if you are using it just after your ozonizer.
razorfingerz said:
so a bag in between my baffles would be inaffective?

As pointed out a reactor or canister filter works out best, but placing a bag as you describe will still work. It will just take longer to get stuff out, and you might have to use more carbon, and change it more often.