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Emperor Anglefish in reef

Has any one every had any type of angle fish in a reef tank I've seen and heard people doing keeping one, I have one in my tank and i notice he picks at my polyps thinking there is food there. So for that reason my polyp's are not opening up. Ive seen them open once and not very big and lately its not at all. Is it time to get rid of my beautiful fish. I also have rose bubble anemone and mushrooms which he doesn't even go near. Any input thanks
so do you think he is the cause and whats the best way to get him out. I dont want to tear my whole tank apart. Should i purchase a trap or do you guys know some tricks.

Anybody on a way to get him out without ruining my whole tank :mad:
Angel fish in general only eat polyps and bloodworms, which is why a lot of the angel specific food has those two ingredients in it. As for catching an angel, put a net in the water so he gets used to it before feeding, and then just hope and pray you can get his butt in the net while he's feeding.
yea thats what i was thinking but there so fast and if you dont get him the first time your domed. I just purchased a fish trap hope this works. ;D
i had one in my reef for about a year [juv ] when he changed to an adult he started picking at everything and had to get him out. I was disappointed. I loved him

I have an adult emperor in my tank now but I've only been able to keep mushrooms, frogspawn and leathers/toadstool. I'm going to eventually get a smaller tank an put it in my family room as the reef tank.
My falme was a nipper,once I removed him my sps all opened . I tried my best and ended up redoing most of my rockwork to remove him . Alot of work but it had to be done .