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feeding frogspawn


Staff member
NJRC Member
I feed mine every couple weeks with a turkey baster. I feed it brine, mysis, mixed with spirulina. The power heads are positioned well so it blows food over most of the LPS corals so spot feeding isn't needed. I have seen baby polyps growing out of it recently.
twice a week with a turkey baster i been making the following mix...(been doing it about a month with great results,definately nice strong colors)

i take one cube of cyclopees and two cubes of rotifers and put it in a cup with tank water...then i take a 1/4 teaspoon of Phytoplan, 1/4 of Zoplan, and 1/4 of Ultra Clam and mix that into the cup. I let it sit overnight. I then turn off my pumps and all my powerheads.and spot feed with a turkey baster. My corals have been great ever since i started.

the phytoplan and Zoplan are both made by two little fishies and the Ultra Clam is made my Fauna Marin GMBH. I seem to be able to better feed with the turkey baster with all my water flow off. i let the tank sit for like 20 min then turn back on the waterflow.
I've tried target feeding mine in the past. Before I broke it, this guy was about 40-50 heads. Any meaty foods, he would throw away. I would do the mix like the other guys but I can't say with certainty, he ate it or did better as a result. I don't directly feed my frogspawn anymore and growth is still about the same.
i forgot to mention that my two clown fish have chosen my frogspawn as its home..and its actually looking better then ever...go figure...(maybe they bring food back to it and drop some of it so it is eating that way.)
I shut all my pumps off so the water is a dead calm. Then , I use a tyrkey baster and feed cyclopeeze and mysis(frozen) . I just let all the food sit on top and soon its all gone.
Hope this helps. I have over 20 heads on mine....
I had one for a long time and didn't feed it. Then I started feeding it (half a siverside, usually) and growth took off.
i havent tried feeding it yet because it goes in and out like ill look at it and its all out then ill see it and i can see alot of exo what should i do? ???


I have never had to direct feed mine and its doing great about 18 heads on it got it with 12 so who knows and i got it at the bottom with 150's over it


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Sounds like you got a bad piece. I have to recommend tropiquriaum, I got a piece with two heads and it has been doing wonderfully. I spot feed occasionally with mysis and brine and it does great. My secret was getting the bastard emerald crab out that was nipping at it.
i never target feed my frogspawn, just weekly feedings of marinesnow or zooplex. shut off my skimmer and returnpumps, just leave my powerheads on when i feed.

Deleted member 10862

i feed my corals that oyster egg stuff..i mix it in a cup with seawater then place it directly in tank..i do this about 2x a week...and my frogspawn has been thriving so it must be working