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Fish Selection

I have reaf ready 72g and I am wondering on my fish selection. Right now i have: purple tang (very teritorial - almost like a king of the castle), a six-line and a clown. any suggestions on what to add to the tank so they would love each other and look nice?

I was thinking about the pair. i think it would easier to "sell" one and buy a "pair". i am tempted to go into dwarf angel teritority for colors.
i love my potters and ebli.... but the prettiest by far is the flame.... hit or miss with coral though, and coral beauties have a well deserved name
I love my naso...but purple tangs are pretty agressive. My hippo and naso get along great, hippo usually follows the naso around. But I am not sure I would trust the purple to be so social. Blenny would be a good choice, midas maybe or jawfish depending on your sandbed.
although I love my purple tang, he is really agressive. I was looking into mandarine for colors. I do have sand in the tank. what would you think about this list for 72g with 26 fuge sump:
a)paring clowns
d)dwarf angel
e)purple tang
f)six line
Looks like a good list. I have a pygmy angel and he is a pretty good camper. So long as you have a cover on the tank the list looks good. Glad Phyl pointed out the tang/tank size problem.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The list looks good as long as it has been established for a good long time. Mandarin's typically need well established tanks since they don't generally feed off of prepared foods. You'll need a sufficent pod population (and plenty of fuge space for them to regenerate) for suceess with that one. An algae blenny would be a great replacement, and IME a more interesting fish. Mandarin are not the most outgoing of fish. We really enjoying playing "where in the world is Waldo" with the algae blenny since they blend in so well!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yeah, lawn mower, eyelash, etc. They're really cute fish and blend into the rock.
def would not add another tang. really wish i didnt add a purple tang to my 180g. if i could get him out i would. very aggressive towards my yellow tang. both are large fish, but the purple is jet very territorial.

how about a couple of anthias? i have bartletts, very good tankmates.
The tang will be very aggressive towards the addition of any angel. You will have to take that into consideration. Angels are not slouches either and they can get pretty mean themselves.

The flame angel can probably protect himself the best. They are really sly. Mine totally avoided the aggression from my resident tangs and the existing coral beauty. Just make sure you have enough "bolt" holes in the tank to accomodate it if you choose that path.
It looks to me that all the fish minus the Mandarine have similar dispositions. IMO the angel won't wilt with the tang. Mine has stood up to my pseudocromis..not big just a mean little &^#$@. On the other hand it hasn't really gone after other tank mates. Flame might be good though as coloration is much different. Since the tang is purple you might want to pick a non purple angel.
i really like my purple tang, but he is like the king of the castle. he eats first and than the rest whatever he leaves on the "plate". I just want mix colors a little bit.