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GluttonousSolarWrasse's 120g

Ok guys, here are some new pictures of what is going on in my 120gal super-duper badass tank of coolness/wrassiness.
Some noteable updates:
1. I found out I really really am into clams:

The Blue maxima is from Dr. Mac, and I got it at the swap. Her name is Chloe. The Brown Maxima on top is from Captivating Coral. His name is Jean Claude van-clam (JCVC) for short. The clam on the bottom is a tear drop squamosa, and you might recognize her from my buddy Olivier's tank. Her name is Clarissa.

2. I also got me a Blue spot Jawfish. Jane Has named him Pookie, and I am ok with that too. However, my Lawnmower Blenny (George) is being a major prat and always terrorizing poor pookie. Things are looking a little better now though, in regards to that situation.


3. I took the week between Christmas and New Years off from work, and here is what I made. The Barrels are reagent grade barrels that formerly held H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). I Got these from Bax for just specifically this purpose, and I could not be happier with how this turned out. The left barrel has the salt mix, with 2 Korelia magnum 5's keeping it mixed. The right barrel is housing R.O., and is now metered by a float valve with an auto shut-off on the actual R.O. unit, thanks to thermosts (Brian). I must stress at this point that the generosity I have experienced by being a member here has been overwhelming, and I could not be more thankful! Thanks again Brian, Bax, and Olivier!


I do not have pictures yet, but Jonathan and I have bought some GIGANTIC SPS colonies from Bax, for nearly nothing (thanks Bax!), and Jonathan's are currently being housed in my tank. They are coloring up wonderfully, and are just awesome. It's pretty funny, at the start of actually putting together a tank I was all like: "who cares about sps, I like LPS". Over the time, I realized I am actually the exact opposite. I freaking love SPS, and my tank is quickly becoming dominated by it.

This pic is for Tony:

I also finally found a C. aurentidorsalis at Aquatic Obsession, so of course that is in the tank too. I was looking for that damn fish for 8 months! Thanks to AqOb too!.

Once Jonathan gets his 50g running, and takes down his 30, I will be placing my table back there and starting a 20g NPS tank on the other side of my chair.


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