• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Gutter service/cleaning recommendation? Pt Monmouth

Not sure if anyone can help recommend a company... with the last heavy rain we saw that in one place the water is pouring down at the side of our house & hitting the window (which is also filling with water) thankfully its a newer house and everything is sealed tight so no water is getting in but I need to figure out what is in the gutter causing the backup. We have basically 0 trees on our lot and no other gutter issues so I'd hate to pay the hundreds quoted to me on the phone for "gutter cleaning" when I expect something weird is just suck up there.... no tall ladder or easy way to get to the section from an upstairs window to see either.

Not sure who I should call to just have this one area checked out?

Hey Mike,

Thank you for letting your son know we needed help with the gutters, we were surprised to see him (glad we were home) but happy he was able to help out. I think we're going to hire him to put in the garbage disposal too :)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Gutters he can handle, disposals are a different story. He's only a laborer. Not recommended.
In that case, when can we hire you? Anytime at all (I know you're busy) let me know and I'll be here with a new disposal waiting (anything else I need to pick up?)

Please :D

Thanks Mike!