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how many fish?

I am thinking about adding another fish or two my 180g DT. Currently, my tank is home to a large Purple Tang, large Kole, large-med Yellow Tang, 2 med Bartlett Anthias, 2 med-small True Percs, Scooter Blenny, and Purple Psuedo. Thats a total of nine fish, but the tangs are the decent size fish. I would love to add a Powder Blue Tang or Hippo Tang, but I think that would pushing my luck with the tangs. I would also love to add a Dwarf Angel or two, but I dont want to add anything that may damage any of corals. What do you guys think?
My take on angels in a reef is that it depends on the individual fish. I have a flameback in my 120 gal reef, and it's not bothered anything, but you just can't be sure. Even within the same species you have ones that are fine, and don't bother anything to ones that eat any corals in site, to ones that start out fine and then turn bad on you.

I'd say try an angle, but always have a plan for the fish, in case it doesn't work out.
I have an Atlantic pygmy angel and have had no problems. I wouldn't call him meek but not aggressive either. Holds his own against my bicolor pseudocromis but doesn't bother a firefish.