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In Living Color Aquariums, Marlton, NJ

I know a few months ago that In Living Color in Marlton was broken in to, but I just tried calling them today and it came up as number disconnected. Anyone know if they are still in business??
9supratt4 said:
I know a few months ago that In Living Color in Marlton was broken in to, but I just tried calling them today and it came up as number disconnected. Anyone know if they are still in business??

If they are on Rt70 It looks like they are closed up
Yeah.....that's the one on Rt70.......I wonder if they closed because of the break in. That stinks......they had a really nice store!!!!!
Last I knew there was a sign in the window that said closed due to vandalism, and there was a Servpro trailer outside from the clean up company, but that was months ago.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mfisher2112 said:
Last I knew there was a sign in the window that said closed due to vandalism, and there was a Servpro trailer outside from the clean up company, but that was months ago.

It hasn't changed since then.
Is the truck still there? i mean ive driven by at all times of the day and night as early as 6am and as late as 1am and its ALWAYS there in the same spot :-\
I drove by there not too long ago and it was desolate. You'd think if they were gonna open back up they would have started getting back in order by now. It's a shame, that was a really good store with cool owners.
From what I was told the owners had some kind of disagreement going on over some$$$$$ so one of them decided to take it out on the fish. Not sure if this is true or not but I remember it being posted by a person that used to work there. They said it was ugly some tanks were smashed and the others had some kind of chemical added to the system. I would be real surprised to see them open again. I stopped in and the last time the one owner sounded like he was trying to turn things around......Who knows....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I stopped by today...not a pretty sight. All dry goods are gone,zero edge tanks are gone, the fishtank to the right had about a 2 foot hole in it, everything was taken out from behind the counter, nothing on the floors, only the long row of stands was still up, all tanks piled up in front, no plumbing left at all, all lights neatly stacked in the front, all electrical conduit cut and no visible wiring at all. I'd hate to see the basement. looks like they did a mass cleanup/gut job and nothing else. I see no attempt at all toward a rebuild and there is some work ahead of them if they plan to.

