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Novice Here -- Bought a Wrasse

Hi. This is my first post.

We've had our reef tank going for about a month now. Two Sebae Clowns, a Bangaii Cardinal Fish, and a Cleaner Shrimp are living in there and are doing fine. . .

Tonight we visited a different pet shoppe than the one that sold us all the fish listed above. We wanted to get a Maroon Clown, but the saleswoman told us that it's not recommended to mix different types of clowns. So -- after hearing our tank size and other occupants, she recommended a Red Coris Wrasse. The thing looked cool, so we bought it.

It's just a baby. We brought it home and, after acclimating it for 20 minutes or so, we put it in the tank. It went down to the bottom and burrowed in the coral.

I read up on this fish online. They don't to well in coral and can get aggressive when (or in my case if) they grow up. Also -- I don't think I acclimated it long enough. . .

I think I made a poor, uninformed purchase. I'm not sure what to do. I wonder if the shop will take it back? Or should we keep it and hope for the best?

What do you guys think? Thanks for your time!
try to return the fish.

and also try to avoid impluse buying, researching before a purchase is key. you should also QT your fish prior to adding them to your tank.
hey, i bought this book, and its great...its really not to read, every page has a picture of a fish and it explains what size tank it needs, what and how much to feed it, reef safe, what other fish to put in the tank with it ect. ect. ect...it even rates it on its survival rating so you know what fish to avoid buying..i love it, and its small so you can take it with you to the pet store..

The coris wrasse may eat the shrimp,and def not reef safe,great looking fish either in juvenile or adult stage,its cool how they change colors dramatically from one stage to the next.if you decide to keep the coris,I would recommend putting it in another tank(perfect excuse for another tank ;) good luck
I think we all did the same thing when we were new and stocking our tanks,I know I did . It was nice of the saleslady to steer you away from the maroon clown, there would of been a problem with your other clown . They also get aggressive when mature . You can try to return it for at least a store credit toward another fish . If they dint have what you need in stock wait until they do or pick up some drygoods . dint make the same mistake twice .
Try to acclimate as long as you can. I have tossed a fish in without doing it and had luck but try to as much as I can . If you go to one of our sponsors stores and explain your tank and that your new I am sure they will help you make the right decision. If not theres the vendor feedback forum :eek: . Once you find a good honest store it gets easier to get the right fish and equipment. Sometimes shopping just for lowest price can hurt in the long run . I basically shop at one or two stores exclusively because of this. I was definitely steered the wrong way as a newbee and remembered where and refuse to give them business . What size is your tank ? and Welcome to the site .
We've all done it at one time or another so don't worry about it. When I go to LFS I usually have a particular type of fish or corals I'm looking for and avoid buying something I'm not looking for. Do your research ahead of time and consider downloading Jake Adams coral and fish guides to your phone.


If you can't download to your phone remember that most LFS have coral and fish ID books on their shelves. So you can usually look them up right there in the store.
Very nice lookin wrasse. But it WILL pick at your corals and eat inverts that it can fit in it's mouth. Not even close to reef safe. Try a return or a trade
Thanks for your replies, everyone! I can see this is a site frequented by knowledgeable and helpful people. . .

I called the shop this morning and explained the situation to the manager. He was cool and let me return the Wrasse for a store credit. I told him it was a "rookie mistake." Oh well. . . But one good thing did come from our purchase of the Wrasse: we found this site! :) Still, the Mrs. is a little sad to see him go. . .

Although we didn't have the Wrasse long, I was able to shoot some video of it. He seems to have enjoyed his overnight stay:


Thanks for all your advice. I am planning to pick up the book that jtravapd recommended.

I noticed that one of the shops that I frequently, The Hidden Reef, is a sponsor of this forum. I'll have to go there a little more now!

Here a video of my little starter tank. Thanks again for all your help!

ageek2000 said:
I noticed that one of the shops that I frequently, The Hidden Reef, is a sponsor of this forum. I'll have to go there a little more now!

glad you made the best choice for the fish and becoming a member will give you the benefits of all the sponsors.