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Overflow noise

Hello NJRC, newbie here to the site. First I want to thank anyone for responding to my call for help. I currently have a fowlr system, 100 gal tank, 20 gallone sump, a mag 12 return pump and a duel 1" overflow rated for the pump. The problem is the overflow makes that flushing noise. I have tried to put a 1/8" hose in the overflow tubes but it still make the noise cant fine that sweet spot that will stop it. Can anyone give me tips on how to lower the noise before my wife kills me! Thanks


Staff member
NJRC Member
I have the same problem for 1.5 years now. I'll be watching this thread for an answer. In the meantime do what did; told the wife to sit in another room.
Well flushing comes from having a loop/dip whatever you want to call it in the drain pipe. Straighten/shorten the pipe and you will get rid of the flushing. I say that without seeing your sump. OH yeah and I speak from experience as I have gotten rid of the flush and lowered the overall noise. The other thing is I have the same return pump and with my tank(Oceanic) the durso creates a pretty far drop from the teeth to the bottom of the inlet. I found that by dialing back the pump and then T'd it off for a TLF reactor the total return flow is lower and the waterfall sound was greatly diminished. GPH flow has of course been decreased but you can watch TV much better.
Also cover the top of the overflow box. If it came with a cover use it, if not make one out of plexiglass or just throw a towel over the top of it. You wouldnt believe how much of a difference it makes.
i bet if you swap to a mag 9 the gushing will stop. Or as JR mentioned - T off some of the flow back to the sump.
you can lower the pump's output thereby reducing the amount of water being drained, or increase the hole size on the durso or stockman stand pipe