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Pics of 14g

Finally got a pic of our new 14g biocube. Had to use the point and shoot, but here we go.

I owe Feng a huge thanks. He took the live rock and sand I had and exchanged it for stuff right out of his tank. Yeah, we still went fast, but it's hard waiting lol. We're done for a while once I add some red macro algae.

Pretty much a stock biocube. In chamber 1 I removed the floor and dropped in the heater (still has carbon in there). Chamber 2 houses live rock rubble and 3 is stock (still has sponge but thinking about pulling it out). Has about 12lbs sand and 14lbs of rock in the display area. Also replaced stock pump with a mj900.

Corals include: zoas, maze brain, frogspawn, neon green star polyps (not opening though :'( ) a toad stool in the back and a few things that I'm not able to id.

Fish are: yellow headed sleeper goby and a picasso clown.

Inverts: cleaner shrimp, brittle star and about 10 snails.

May not look like much but we enjoy it. At some point, we are planning on adding an orange tailed firefish goby. Then we'll be done on fish.
i have to ask the obvious question since someone else just had this- but you don't have a GREEN brittle star right? Also - big (regardless of color) ones do require some supplemental feeding.

I know it's popular among nano tank owners to put rubble in one of the chambers - but I don't get the reason or necessity. You should have all the biological filtration you need in the LR in the display. Furthermore you don't have any need for pods and such since no fish or such require it in your specific tank. Even if it did created pods - the small amt would be consumed instantly. This is not a question for you - maybe for another nano owner to chime in.

finally - 10 snails in a 14g - what species? If they are all algae eating they are sure to starve because that tank looks bare of algae (a good thing).

Nice pick up on the maze coral - looks great. Is it sitting on some kind of pink encrusted rock? That thing looks like a pink cucumber.
onefish2fish said:
IMO 3 fish is overstocking a 14gallon.

anyways awesome brain!

Thanks. Yeah, I'm thinking 3 is a stretch. I bought that yellow headeded goby on an impulse and now regret it because once we got home we researched it and it should be in a larger tank. He seems to be doing ok, but I'm not here to stress out fish. So we may give him away when we get the firefish.
Hawkeye said:
i have to ask the obvious question since someone else just had this- but you don't have a GREEN brittle star right? Also - big (regardless of color) ones do require some supplemental feeding.

I know it's popular among nano tank owners to put rubble in one of the chambers - but I don't get the reason or necessity. You should have all the biological filtration you need in the LR in the display. Furthermore you don't have any need for pods and such since no fish or such require it in your specific tank. Even if it did created pods - the small amt would be consumed instantly. This is not a question for you - maybe for another nano owner to chime in.

finally - 10 snails in a 14g - what species? If they are all algae eating they are sure to starve because that tank looks bare of algae (a good thing).

Nice pick up on the maze coral - looks great. Is it sitting on some kind of pink encrusted rock? That thing looks like a pink cucumber.

The brittle is purplish/brown. Brian at OGII didn't think it would require any extra food, but do you think it will?

The rubble in the back will go away once I get my freshly placed order for some red macro algae and some cheato which will replace it.

To be candid, don't know the species of all 10 snails. Got 10 based on Brian at OGII knowing the tank we have and he picked them out. I know one is one of those left hand only jobs, a few cerinths and a few florida somethings.

Yeah, the brain is on a big disc. I'm thinking of burying the disk in the sand but the brain is already starting to grow down it. Think it would be ok if I bury the disk in the sand?

Thanks all.
I know people will say why even bother getting a serpent star if you have to feed it - but this is the way I see it -

I feed lightly. I do not have piggy fish that poop a lot and I do not have a lot of uneaten food that gets to the sand in a hurry. This means my big serpent star (the body is like half dollar sized easy) - only gets like a few sinking pellets. Once in a while I like to get it a nice chunk of thawed fish.

But if you feed heavily - then a lot of food will get down there and there is no need to supplement.

On the snails - if they are cerith and astreas (the top-hat kinda snails which they had a ton of recently) - just realize that the astreas are the "help I've fallen and I can't get up" type of snails. Maybe he included some nassarius snails? They have that snout and come out of the sand when food is in the water. I don't supplement food for my snails but I've been told if you wanted to - you could place a small wedge of algae at night on the LR. Or just sell your extra snails.

as to burying the disc into the sand - I don't have an answer on that one. It depends on if you think the coral should be in the sand or not.
i think burying the disc in the sand will prevent it from encrusting more, maybe? and i personally would want mine to grow.
Thanks for all the help.

I'm going to work on identifying the snails this week.

As for feeding, here's what I'm doing.

1 capful of Roti-Feast every other week for the coral.
For the clownfish, goby and cleaner shrimp, I've been putting a total combined of about 6 flakes in every other day. I figure it's better to under-feed rather than over-feed and that they can feast on whatever else is in the water column. Think that is the correct approach?

Sorry for all the questions. I do appreciate the help. Thx.
onefish2fish said:
have you tried eating flavored cardboard? :D

So you've had my wife's cooking :D

Sounds good. I'll work on mixing it up. Think the level of feeding is about appropriate?
i have 2 clowns and 2 gobies at the momment and i feed every 2-3 days

6 little flakes doesnt seem like to much so i think every other day doing that isnt bad
Feng is great for grabbing something out of his tank for you. He did it for me when I needed something for my nano. I explained the shape and he pulled it out of the DT.

Looks good I love feeding my starfish so hey if it is fun then its not work right? Mine eats krill plus whatever gets to him.

Nice corals too.

Phosban has helped me clear up the water a bit more over the last few days and I've added 2 sps.

Couple more additions, 'nother feather duster, canary blenny, couple acros and fire coral. Think I'm done for now.

Updated pic below:
All parameters right where they belong and everything appears to be thriving. Lots of new growth on the corals and we found tons of baby snails the other morning.
