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Pictures of my Hex Tank

heres some pics of my hex tank. I have over 20-25 different morphs of zoanthids. I am using a 150 watt viper clamp on with a 14K bulb. My normal skimmer, aqualine, broke on me so i am using my back up skimmer for now, pos jebo. I have a HOB emperor 280 which i hate and I really want a new form of filtration. Any suggestions? i can't really keep an exterior sump/fuge.. I am open to all suggestions, i know that all you guys got great tanks and one day i would like to have mine looking like yours! Sorry for the pics, i tired hard to make them as clear as possible, they prob arent any good.

One more thing, I am looking to buy a 29 or more gal nano if you have one or if you know anyone just let me know!

Thanks for looking!





normally the light is alot closer to the tank, i just moved it bc i was relocating my AOG's





and my project tank :)

ok so the hex has been up since last jan, but i just started investing money into it maybe a month to 2 months ago. I had a few damsels at first to a few clowns. I had black and white stripers which were so territorial that i had to isolate them by themselves. The clowns and 2 blue and yellow damsels moved into my 75 gal.

the hex has a good 30 lbs of LR and maybe 25 lbs of LS. There are no fish in here now. I gave the BW damsels back to the LFS. I have 2 koralias # 1's and a aquaclear 30 for flow.

Filtration wise, like i said i am using a HOB emperor 280 that I hate. I want something new but do not know what would be a good investment. The only problem i have is that i cannot place a sump or fuge for this tank.. I want to keep max 3 fish in there, maybe a pair of firefish and a goby. Any suggestions for my hex?

I also have a 75 gal that has been up since last march, not pictured with a 20 gal fuge. There are 2 Blue yellow damsels, 2FP clowns, that do not host my green bubble tip anemone(IDK WHY ARGH.) There is also a 6 line wrasse, and a purple fridmoni

Is there any way that I can make them host the anemone?

Finally i have a 150 project, not drilled. We might relocate so my dad and I never put up the tank. It's sitting in the garage right now, sanded down ready for paint.

Please let me know what you think! I would love to hear all your suggestions!
Thanks for looking!
Well since you don't have fish how about something a little tricky like a pipefish? Goby? Otherwise what you said sounds good. I like the tank it is very nice. Lets see the 75 too.
hey thanks for all the replies. My camera is a little broken right now lol. my brother has my other camera and he went to Las Vegas. As soon as he comes back ill take some pics.

What do you suggest about filtration for the hex?
I don't know hopefully someone else will chime in with a good skimmer for the tank. I like refugiums so but for that sized tank I will leave it to someone who knows better then I.
I like your Hex. :) But then again, I personally don't keep many zoos (because they don't do so well in really clean water), so I love to admire them in other people's tanks. Looking at yours makes me want to set up a nano in our bedroom, so I can keep zoos, shrooms, and other highly florescent corals.

Wow, you've got quite the project going with the other tanks. Can't wait for you camera to be working cause I'd love to see pics, too.

Welcome aboard, by the way. :)
hey wendy, thanks for the comments! I am going to add to the list of projects the second i find a 29 - 34 gal nano! I am going to keep this in my room as well bc since i have all these zoos in my hex, i am not able to keep an anemone. The nano is going to be for a pair of either Onyx Perculas or Black & White False Percula Clownfish. idk which ones!

Do u recommend a new source of filtration for my hex?

Also if you know anyone that is selling a nano let me know!!
Hey, the filtration you're using right now on your nano is working, right? So keep it! If you were talking about your future nano, and you're looking for skimmers, I heard that the Remora hang ons are great skimmers. But I have no experience with them whatsoever - so don't quote me on anything. ;)

I've got a hint for you though: I know someone who sells AWESOME rare clowns, and he JUST became a sponsor today. http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&board=83.0

You know, my hubby doesn't even know that I'm playing with the idea of putting up a nano in the bedroom, so if and when the time comes that someone is selling one, I'll let you know. Wait...as a matter of fact a club member WILL be putting one up on the market soon. Hang on....

here...http://www.njreefers.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=12772.0 (last post)
oh man wendy you are the best. thank you so much ;D

if you do not mind, if you hear anything else please please please let me know!
I got rid of the hood on my nano and added T5's and it has never looked better, much less heat also. The only negative I have found is I evaporate a lot more water then I used to with the hood on
hmm idk if she is going to sell it to me for that much..a brand new setup is just too expensive for a college student like myself..if she doesnt want to sell at that price, i guess ill just keep looking around and stick with the hex for now :-[
dude you dont want taht light its a pos. it broke 3 times on me, i went thru 3 in one month. it s a JBJ K-2 Viper clamp on, 150 watt mh hqi. they are everywhere. its not worth that much tho i would never recommend it to anyone, nor any clamp-on light fixtures but if that is what you want, get the aqu version its better bc it has more screws for clamping on.