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Please do not purchase Wild Caught Banggai CardinalFish

Posted this in the members only forum but some folks suggested that this also be posted here.

The banggai cardinalfish in the wild has declined significantly. This post is to encourage all members and nonmembers to consider NOT buying this fish unless they can be assured the fish was captive/bred raised.

A blog by another hobbyist on this topic.
Boycott Wild captured Banggai Cardinals

From what I understand - Eric Borneman also talked about this at macna xx.

Unlike most fish (clowns for example) that can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, the banggai only lays a clutch of about 50 at a time. The ornamental fish collection has reduced the populations of this fish significantly. Please do your part and not buy wild-caught banggais.

Thanks for reading this public service announcement. ;)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
They're very territorial. 2 is ok (if they pair). 3+ not recommended.
I will say there is one exception to buying a wild caught banggai. If you are breeding them and need genetic diversity for your broodstock.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
As long as it was for an established breeding system and not to put in your display tank, I could see that. You don't want to get a pair from the same brood stock... but you don't want to be experimenting with them either. Research first so as not to risk killing more WC than necessary.