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Tang ID?

I checked the LFS and they got a decent shipment in just curious to what these are since they are labled black tang and red stripe tang sorry for the crappy cell pics

What was the price on that black tang? A true black tang is usually about $400-$450 but is completely black. Your photo has a yellow band on the tail (which I cannot tell if it's a photographic artifact or part of the fish). The other one looks like a variation of a convict tang.
the first one has a white band on it's tail. i will get her to take a picture with the other phone today. and yes i know about the black tang and let me tell you it was maybe 1/10th the price if not less..
hmmm, a dwarf angel is a much less threatening fish than a tang, i wonder why the tang would mimic the angel? i'd love to put one of those mimic tangs with my eibli angel... think they could go together? similar colors, but different body shapes.. i wonder???
Maybe it's the dwarf angel that is mimicing the tang and just named reversed based on discovery? Just a thought since it makes no sense the other way around.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Good job of sleuthing everyone! I think you've nailed them down. They're both really nice looking fish.
im just curious if i should pick it up or not for that reason jim. it's $34 so the price is not bad. maybe i will and sell it later to someone.. we'll see in a hour or so :p
Pennsville Aquatics. South Jersey.. and I bought the Ringtail. If you want it maybe we could work something out and meet..
ds4x4 said:
Pennsville Aquatics. South Jersey.. and I bought the Ringtail. If you want it maybe we could work something out and meet..

WOW Pennsville Aquatics.....They have like 6 saltwater tanks. I doubt that fish is the same as a black tang. Even the wholesale price on a black tang is at least $100.00. There is no way he would get it for wholesale and sell it for $34.00. I hope you did not add that to your display tank and are treating it.
it's a ringtail surgeonfish and retails for under 50 actually the price was 25 for the eibli and ringtail i dunno where i got 35. It's not the Black longnose


NJRC Member
ds4x4 said:
it's a ringtail surgeonfish and retails for under 50 actually the price was 25 for the eibli and ringtail i dunno where i got 35. It's not the Black longnose
I wish the black tangs were only $100.00 wholesale I'd have 10 they are upto 2-3 times that number these days.
reefsandrotts said:
ds4x4 said:
it's a ringtail surgeonfish and retails for under 50 actually the price was 25 for the eibli and ringtail i dunno where i got 35. It's not the Black longnose
I wish the black tangs were only $100.00 wholesale I'd have 10 they are upto 2-3 times that number these days.

WOW really.......