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What size durso standpipe?

The diameter of the tube (which i'm pretty sure is my standpipe) in that picture is 1 1/4 inches. i don't know what type of durso standpipe i need for that. plus i'm not sure if it's a slip or threaded? can anyone help me out?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I can be 100% sure, but I don't THINK you can put a Durso in a a HOB overflow. Are you just looking to cut down on noise? When I had HOB's I would get a piece of acrylic and cut it to size and use it as a cover...worked well for that.
Yeah just the noise between the gurgling and the splashing it sounds like niagra falls and it's driving me crazy (it's in my bedroom) i've tried everything except this


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We used a homemade durso in our HOB overflow. Without it, it sounded like a toilet flushing. Just use a pipe that loosely fits in the drain hole. Here's two pics:

