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Yellow Tang

I know suggested tank size is no smaller than a 70g but I read alot of people saying they put them in their 55 so obviously having a 55 my interest has spiked. But I'm not going to raise a fish in a tank that is to small for them & will only harm them & that's selfish, so I'm asking your opinions. Is a 55g to small iyo

Also, what fish would you suggest? I currently have 2 clowns
This is my opinion on the whole tang thing. The suggested tank size is more for length vs gal. Being as your tank is the same length as a 75 I don't see a problem with it. Also I've seen people keep tangs in tanks smaller than suggested size with no ill affect that I have seen. How many people with Hippo/Pacific Blue Tangs have them in 240 long tanks. I've seen them live for years in tanks much smaller than that.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Are you saying a yellow along with a tomini? .......in a 55? Tang police Tang police Tang police Tang police Tang police

Do you realize tangs are poop machines?

I also think the two having similar body shapes, this is a crap-shoot with the two together in tight quarters.

Then again, it could be a good and valid reason to upgrade. :grin:
I already want to upgrade! it's just hard on a college budget lol I want a 180+ and the tomini is aggressive towards other tangs which sucks, I'm going to have to pick one or the other :(


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I agree its going to be one or the other. I keep a tomini in my 46g bowfront and he was very active. If I had to decide between the two I would go with the tomini.
I agree with all of the above. One tang will be enough. I've had a yellow tang in my 55 for about two years and she seems happy to me. Kole would be a nice choice too.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I've had a yellow tang in a 45 gallon for about a year till I upgraded to a 90. The yellow tang was pretty happy in my opinion. awesome algae eaters, well mine at least. :D


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
I would go with the tomini they're a really cool fish. I loved mine (he died when sandy crashed my tank) and I will most Definitely be getting a new one when I set my new tank up.