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yellow wrasse fighting its reflection


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Go figure. I am down with flu and have been watching my tank laying on the couch.
My yellow wrasse is constantly splashing water at the top of the tank and I was wondering why. After observing it carefully I figured, it was actually butting heads with its reflection in the glass. It is hilarious but also a concern that it might get hurt. Not to mention all the water that is landing on the floor everything she splashes.

Anyone else has seen this behavior with any fish? Any tips on how to avoid this?
I have seen this with my Staghorn Damsel but without the splashing. It seemed to happen when a new fish was introduced and lasted for about a week afterward. Sorry, I cant help with the splashing.

Get well soon..


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Do you have a cover on the tank? Wrasses are known jumpers and especially if he stresses himself out like that.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I have no cover. I had glass cover earlier but have removed them since 6 months. What else can I use that will not block light?
This won't help with the water- we have an eggcrate and screen cover (home made) on our 30g. It was pretty easy to make, even for DIY-challenged people like Mike & I.
Its purpose is to keep our jawfish and jumper-picaso clown in the tank, but since we've added it, our female mandarin has been fighting her reflection a bit less (could of course be entirely unrelated).
Yes! Eggcrate works great, I haven't lost a fish since using it. Mind you, one of the Garden Eels tried to wiggle thru ...
How are the Garden Eels doing Sandee? You know my response to a comment like that is going to be to ask where the updated pics are!


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
She jumped :mad:. All was well for a month now. But today found her on the floor. ...