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Search results

  1. C

    Regal Angelfish Feeding Question?

    Hey guys, How long do you think does it usually take for the angelfish to start eating normally? Ive been feeding it mysis shrimp and it eats like one or two and then stops eating. It looks at my seaweed and just swims away. It grazes on my rock here and there but not that much. I know the fish...
  2. C

    Clownfish / Anemone compatability

    Whats up y'all! Just a quick question, I have a pair of picasso clownfish along with possibly looking at buying a stubby clownfish and I was wondering which anemone would be best suited for my clownfish. Any input would help!! Thanks again.
  3. C

    Low pH??

    Hey guys, I got a 16 gallon Nano Reef tank and my pH is low. I do 15% water changes every week using RO water and red sea coral pro salt. Here are my specs and levels: 16 Gallon Bowfront Aquarium 17 lbs of live rock Aquaclear filter converted into refugium Aquaclear 30 powerhead (going right...
  4. C

    Skimmer Questions??

    Hey guys! I have just started a 16 gallon Reef tank and im in my 2nd week of cycling. I was wondering if I need a skimmer for my tank. I have read that just doing water changes on a weekly basis would be fine for my tank but I have also read that a skimmer is a MUST for any reef tank. What do...
  5. C

    Lighting Questions

    Hey Guys, Im new to this forum and I have recently just started a 10 gallon nano reef tank to compliment my 70 gallon saltwater tank. My question is I just bought for my nano tank a T5 Nova Extreme Pro 20" total 108 watts. My question is how long should I run each of the lights for in a normal...