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Skimmer Questions??

Hey guys!

I have just started a 16 gallon Reef tank and im in my 2nd week of cycling. I was wondering if I need a skimmer for my tank. I have read that just doing water changes on a weekly basis would be fine for my tank but I have also read that a skimmer is a MUST for any reef tank.

What do you guys think??

If a skimmer is essential which skimmer would be best for my tank?? i appreciate any suggestions. thanks alot!!
jason -

A quality skimmer is recommended. Getting a lousy skimmer does nothing for a reef tank.

If you are confident in your husbandry skills (low bioload, commitment to water changes) then by all means go without a skimmer.

If on the other hand you plan on maintaining sensitive corals and inverts - then I would urge the use of a quality skimmer. In my opinion, a skimmer is one of those things where you "get what you pay for". For me personally, besides the tank and the lights, the skimmer will probably be up there in terms of expense.
For a 16 gallon tank water changes done religiously will probably do it.
Little cheap skimmers are generally worthless...don't buy a nano fission skimmer for instance (learn from my mistake).
There are some other solutions. HOB skimmers and refugiums that you might consider. Some depends on if you want SP or just softies and maybe LPS.
Thanks for the input. I have a Seaclone on my 70 gallon tank but I was looking at the Octopus Skimmer HOB. What do you guys think?
Unfortunately seaclone fits the bill of lousy skimmer.

You really cannot compare water changes to skimming.

Water changes serve two distinct purposes - diluting the poop that is in your tank - AND adding back the necessary elements/additives that are being absorbed by the corals.

Regardless of whether you have a skimmer or not - you need to do water changes.

I've never had an octo hob skimmer but i do know you should avoid the seaclone.
I have heard good things about the Octopus skimmers but have not had one.
Phil is right even if you skim you need to do water changes. You do export waste though when you do water changes, get a turkey baster and blast the rocks this will stir up the water, this will get more waste out of your tank. With a 16G tank(with LR displacing water) a 2G water change is going to do a super job. Depends on what corals you want if this will be enough. Refugiums, skimmers, chemical filtration, mechanical filtration all export nutrients and waste. Surface skimming is also very important as the film that can build up blocks light and limits O2. What sort of tank to you have is it an all in one?
My Tank is a 16 gallon Bowfront aquarium with a Aquaclear hang on filter (converted into refugium), 16-17 lbs of Fiji Live Rock, T5 Novo Extreme 20" 108 Watt Fixture (runs about 12 hours per day). I know water changes is essential and I do weekly changes of about 3.2 gallons (20%). I just have been reading around about people getting away with not having a skimmer in a 16 gallon tank. Any suggestions though besides the Octopus HOB that is good for the tank and my wallet?? Thanks again for your help.

P.S. Im familiar with FOWLR tanks but new to this reef tank
P.S. I also have a 55 Gallon FOWLR saltwater tank.
Sorry if I was too general, thought you were just starting out.
I don't think you really need a skimmer unless you were going to have SPS, but that is just me. Sound like you are doing an excellent job on the maintenance of the tank.
Thanks for the idea Wendy.

Im actually looking at the AquaC Remora (the one u suggested) and I actually like the idea (spray skimmer) and design better. So which should I pick The Octopus HOB skimmer or the AquaC Remora skimmer?

PS Both have reasonable prices