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15 -20 lbs of live rock f/s in Moorestown

I have 15-20lbs of live rock f/s for $40. Some of the rocks have purple mushrooms,green striped mushrooms and green yuma ricordia. There are some 2 piece that are huge and the rest are medium size. I will also throw in about 15lbs of very live sand. There are so many pods in the sand and rocks.PM me if interested. Oh yeah I would like this out my tank by the weekend so I can finish taking it down.


Interested in the rock if it has not sold yet. If so what is the size of the huge pieces. Thanks.


OK, if the prior poster is not interested I will take the rock and sand. The only thing is that I can only pickup today or tonight, as I will be going away tomorrow. Was also wondering if you could meet somewhere near the NJ-TPK, if that is convenient for you. Thanks. You can PM me with further details.