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$299 Gem Tangs


NJRC Member
I saw that too. So tempted, but the last two tangs I put in my tank, a Hippo, and an Orange Shoulder tang, my two tangs attacked and killed. ;(


NJRC Member
i've got a reefer 350
current residents:
2 clowns
1 hippo tang
1 yellow tang

can i fit a gem tang in there too?
i've been meaning to get one, and this seems like a great deal!


NJRC Member
i've got a reefer 350
current residents:
2 clowns
1 hippo tang
1 yellow tang

can i fit a gem tang in there too?
i've been meaning to get one, and this seems like a great deal!
You'd have to keep an eye on the yellow tang,it may bully the gem.


NJRC Member
well.. what would i do if he does start to bully? they're both going to cost about the same lol
I’ve had great success with the mirror trick. Also two nori clips. On on each end of the tank. If you can, rearrange the rockwork right before adding. I had a yellow eye kole, Desjardini sail, purple and a gem, added in that order, all together that got along great after some work on my part. The kole was the biggest problem. I thought it was going to give itself a heart attack fighting it’s reflection. It was unrelenting. The sail was in charge. The boss in a very docile way. It just wanted to eat first.