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A lil direction pls

hey guys im downgrading , i guess its the right word, from my 110Xh to a 75RR that i had here at my house for a wile now.
the only issue im having right now is.

im missing the pluming kit , is there anywhere where i can just order the kit ? including the 2 bulkheads , i mean i need everything that goes inside the lil black box. its a center box as well. i know someone will say go to HD and just build it. well i dont drive atm. so its not a choice. i rather just spend the 50-75$ and know its something that should work.

On another topic as well. im moving things from my 110 to my 75 i already have 2 x 35gal trash drums to help with this. my plan are to save 35gal of my current water, then make 80gal of new water.(40 to finish tank,- 36 for sump) with that hoping to avoid a cycle, im also going to add new sand bed (dont know what im going to do with the current one).

after doing that,, i dont know if i should wash off the LR and then add it to it, or just add it as is?

How does the plan sounds so far? anything to add?

will post pictures as soon as i can . or should i start a new post?

PS: does any of the kit also comes with a new blackbox? as my current one its missing a few teeth on top or it isnt that important??
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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
If you use new live sand you can help avoid the cycle. The old sand you can sell/give away as dry sand. It will need to be rinsed to be reused which can be a PITA.

How is the live rock? If it is in good shape with minimal pests and you want to keep it, just rinse it off in some saltwater to get any detritus off of it and add it in.
the LR its in pretty good shape, other then coraline it looks good. so far. so im guessing im just gonna wash it off on the old water before adding it to the new tank
yes your right, BUT im going on the assumption that all middle overflow on a 75 gallon reef ready are the same size . if not,,lol i guess im gonna find out pretty soon.
well everything came in, and everything worked, i switched everything from the 110 to my 75 and so far so good, i got a few spike on the testing but nothing that bad so far,,,will post some pic. later on
FIRST filling of fresh salt water (added to about 55gal of old water)

my urchin witch in the long run dint make it

One of my 3 chromies witch oddly enough the other 2 kill him

all filled but cloudy

all done!!!!!
