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Advice for new bio cube owner

Hi Guys. Great advice and learning a lot. Lights on timer now and getting another circulation pump. Algae is nearly gone now and tank is looking good. Big set back today though as we lost another clown fish. As is lost I mean he died. Swam to bottom, notice his color was changing and was dead a few hours after that. Tank salinity is fine, not sure what issue could be. Getting a water test kit now so I can really start monitoring conditions. I want to make sure I get things completely inline now before introducing new fish. What else can I do to ensure success ?

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Test for amonia, tank may not be "ready" yet
I agree with @trio91 sounds like you put the cart before the horse which many people do. When i setup my tank I went a month+ with just live rock and live sand before adding any fish. Also when adding fish to a new tank don't do it quickly. Add a couple at a time allowing your system to build it bio filter. Don't let these setback discourage you.