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An article on water change

That was some insightful reading. I didn't realize that these minute changes in water parameters can effect your animals in such dramatic ways.
The article recommended mixing for as much as a week for the chemical reactions to complete before adding to our tanks. How many of us can afford to take as much time in mixing as was suggested? I prepare my mixes at least 48hrs before I am satisfied the water can safely be added to the tank.
On the matching of ph and salinity I cannot read such minute difference with the equipment I currently own. I don't believe I am going to be the only one with that problem.
All being said here, I will be paying more attention to try to closely match the parameters of my tank when I do my water changes from now on.
An interesting read. It would be nice if the poster had some actual studies to back the claims.

I am not saying they are wrong, but I have read so many articles, posts, etc. all claiming their way is "the correct way". Many of which contradict other's "right way".

I take these claims with a grain of salt.
onefish2fish said:
i dont remember who i got it from but im pretty sure it came from china. ;D

Soon they will figure out how to make marine fish on a large scale and we would get package deals for a "school of yellow tangs" at Sam's Club. ;D
I guess I'm really "messing" it up according to leebecca on reefland.com. Match ph within .05. I just check temp within a degree or two and salinity of course to match right on with a refractometer and ph within 0.1 not .05...If you are doing a 10% water change overall it's not going to make a big difference even if some of the parameters are off a bit