• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Any IT people?

I'm having an issue with my Apex. I bought the DYN service for when my router changes IP address? I do not know how to hook it up though...
What are you looking to do?

The DYN service will update the Apex when my routers ?WAN or LAN? changes and I will not lose contact with the controller through my phone. There is port forwarding and a bunch of other stuff that is over my head. I know I'm doing a crappy job explaining this...
I was asking on the Neptune forum and this is what someone told me to do:

Here's the list I go through when setting up remote access for others. If you've completed all the steps then I think you should be good.

1- Turn off DHCP on the apex
2-On your router, reserve the IP address of the Apex so that the router doesn't give it to another device
3-Setup the port forwarding on the router to the Apex IP using the port number set on the Apex
4-Setup the dynamic dns hostname
5-Setup the router to notify dyndns.org of changes to the Wide Area Network IP; it'll ask for the hostname you setup and the account login info; if your router doesn't support this then you'll need to install software from dyndns.org to do this (ideally on a desktop and NOT a laptop)
And you're done.


Officer Emeritus
It's a setting on the router if you router supports it. I don't personally use it because my ISP has never changed my IP address. There are plenty if tutorials on this all over the web