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anyone with a biocube 8g & 2nd chamber fuge?

I'm setting up a biocube 8g (thread coming soon, been taking photos), I am doing the fuge "mod" (putting cheato where the bioballs came, scraped off the back wall and using the little round 9wt pc light from lowes) anyways I read a few references to "flooding rear chambers" and "increasing flow" but since I didn't have a dremel I figured I'd worry about that later.

Anyways I filled up the tank today and got it running and saw just how low the water is in chamber 2 & 3, no way I can add cheato till I change that. I bought a dremel today but I'm not sure what exactly I should cut, or what tip I should use on the dremel.

Thanks for any tips/photos!

Hi Candi,
I Seen a whole post somewere on Nano mods,Photos,diagrams,measurements.I gave it to my daughter she has a Nano at school. it might be on RC. I'll check with her.