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Auction tonight


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
At R2R, Cherry Corals 10th anniversary.
Sign up.
Buy a $40 shipping package.
View the forum and as pics come up, click to buy.
I'm loading up on a ton of zoas, all well below retail (at least 50% off).
Tough to pull away to write this post as deals are so good and go so quickly.

Cherry Corals Presents... Cherry Royale! 10 year Anniversary Live Sale!

When you buy you have 2 mins to complete checkout or item goes back up.
Register and log in to Cherry corals first and leave that in an open window, then open another window with the R2R auction.
Site does not store CC numbers, so you have limited time to enter card nuumber, experation, and security code - drop these in a note on the side so you can cut and paste them in.

So far I have...
Overnight shipping
Electric delights x6
Whammin Watermelons x6
Bloodsuckers x2
Scrambled eggs x2
Mandarin Oranges x2
Laser Lemons x4
and still under $150
Last edited:


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Well, that was fun.
At one point I had to walk away from the computer for an hour as it was getting too intense.

Ended up with:

6 Electric Delights

6 Whammin watermelons

2 Bloodsuckers

2 Scrambled eggs

2 Mandarin Oranges

4 Laser Lemons

2 Posideon's Fury

1 Magician's Paly

Just under $200 for the lot.

Now I gotta find space for all this stuff.