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Bicolor angel

Just bought a beautiful Bicolor Angel this week. I know they can be difficult, but have a well established tank (14 yrs) with plenty of live rock for nibbling and hiding. So far though, haven't had much luck getting him to eat. Tried several Angel fish mixes, both flake and frozen, blood worms and clams. Dried seaweed( Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies) with no luck.. Any advice would be appreciated to get this guy feeding.

thanks, John/Salty28
Was he eating at the lfs? I would also give him time to acclimate and destress. I had one angel that I did not see eat for almost three weeks andnow she eats like crazy! But then again, sometimes you get the ones that eat right away. I had one a few weeks ago that mu daughter threw in some pe mysis in the acclimation bucket and he ate it all.! I would also check that he's not being stressed by another other fish. This is one of the reason why also qt all fish besides the potential disease or parasite issues.