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bigger help!!!

i was just installing new T5 light and noticed little white **insects** bugs etc. whatever they are

description: about 100 sticking to the glass. about 2cm almost little specs.

recent: had issue with ich. unsure if that's even possible to view them with the naked eye. thought it wasn't possible unless they hosted and have started multiplying or whatever on the host.

i would be almost impossible to get a picture.

has anyone ever had this issue?
as mentioned due to the outbreak of ICH all my fish have fallen to their graves. and pretty much going to run the tank FALLOW until end of February besides my inverts.

so any remaining ICH will be dead by then.
with research that's what i found to be the culprit as well.

thanks for the feedback. never seen them probably cause i'm going FALLOW at this time they are blooming especially overfeeding! ha