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Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

admission for NJRC members is free... Stop in anytime!! and any non-members can drop in with a frag :)

just kidding.. anyone can stop over to see the beast!
billyr98 said:
here are is a new guy i had to post..


Really, really sweet! Let's bring this guy to the next page as well.

I'm in on the GB, just don't tell me the cost! :eek:
That tank is amazing! When your kid gets a little older she could probably skuba dive in there... hell, you could probably skuba dive in there.

Can we get a fish list? It would probably take a while.
Wow! What a great build! I can't believe I haven't seen this before (busy summer I guess). Very nice work and planning, that chiller is a beautiful thing!! 8)
billyr98 said:
thanks Chase.. i added a new clam this weekend from The Hidden Reef, i need to take out the camera.. :)

Keep us updated on the clam. I had 6 clams doing great in my prop system. Took them from 1" to about 4" before I moved them into the reef. Within 3 or 4 days all were empty. Somebody in my tank had a few good clam dinners. :(


PS hope your fish hate clams!
ok well not much updated on here for the last 3 months or so, since i was fighting algae over and over again...

well i recently removed all corals and cleaned the tank this past week. I just turned the lights on yesterday and to see all algae gone, it might be too early. But it is a nice relief to see and makes me feel good to have a 450g tank in the house!!

here are some shots:









Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's great to see, Billy. I can only imagine how furstrating that algae problem must have been. Hopefully you kicked out for good.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks GREAT, Billy. I've got my fingers, toes, arms, legs... crossed for ya.