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BioCube - VorTech Question

Starting a new reef - Tank is a BioCube 29 gallon. I have read so much about the MP10wES Vortechs and them working together wirelessly. I have considered putting two in my new reef but not sure if that would be good or bad - great idea or crazy - ? Hoping to get some thoughts from you all.... Thanks in advance for your " vote " :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC!

I agree with Paul. I think one MP 10 would be great for the tank. Or at the very least, just start with one and if you want more flow you could add another later.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I ran a 30g cube with one mp10 and the return whichever as more than enough. Hold out a little but if you can, with the new smaller gyre coming out you could have a choice and ,oat likely vortech will drop the price.
I ran a 30g cube with one mp10 and the return whichever as more than enough. Hold out a little but if you can, with the new smaller gyre coming out you could have a choice and ,oat likely vortech will drop the price.

The new gyre I wonder how it'd be good to place in the nano, it seems like while it is smaller for a 14g - 28g tank it might still be too big :x
Idk if it was user error or a pos tank, but I ran a jbj 28 with two mp10s and the tank started leaking from the bottom. I ran a 30g deep blue with 2 mp10s and had no problems.
Starting a new reef - Tank is a BioCube 29 gallon. I have read so much about the MP10wES Vortechs and them working together wirelessly. I have considered putting two in my new reef but not sure if that would be good or bad - great idea or crazy - ? Hoping to get some thoughts from you all.... Thanks in advance for your " vote " :)
Thank you everybody - I'm sending the 2nd pump back and just going with one. Thank you for the welcomes as well ! Just getting started in this hobby and am glad to have avenues like this to ask questions and get answers from reef hobbyists that have real hands on experience.