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Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Spawning- I saw It

Background- Keeping aquariums 44 years, Saltwater, 28 years. Have always kept Bluestreaks in pairs in my tanks. I pick the biggest and fattest, and the smallest and leanest and introduce them together, has always worked. Lost my 2 year old male? 9 months ago in the reef. My Lions put the pair in the 125 on their menu, removed them to the 210. The fat ones got along great, but the lean one was harassed into the overflows many times. In the past few weeks things changed, the trio were constantly dancing around together. Tonight I was at the dining room table writing up invoices when I saw my Chromis devouring a cloud of something, so I watched. The Bluestreaks were busy making a threeway Wrasse pretzel when a fat one and the lean one would shoot to the surface and release a cloud of skim-milk, can't describe it any other way, the Chromis were quick to follow. This went on for the better part of 2 hours, first one fat one, then the other, the lean one," assuming he's the male " was quite tired, but kept at it. My trigger finger was very slow on the camera, ever try to anticipate what a Wrasse is going to do? Plus anytime I moved the rest of the population was there looking for food. Not easy, so before anyone discounts this tale, I saw it and I know it, truth. The pics I did get follow.IMG_0519.jpgIMG_0525.jpgIMG_0526.jpgIMG_0527.jpgIMG_0529.jpg