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brand new to reef keeping

just bought a 90g. its got overflow and the pvc already in place. i want to start by building a refugium out of a 30 long. any suggestions or words of advice?(besides dont start this hobby! ha ha. It seems that the internet is full of so much advice and so many so called experts i dont know where to start. Anyone close to Margate in south jersey? thanks much Brian


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Brian.

My advise on a refugium build is to not put in your partitions until skimmer is in hand. You want to make sure it fits!

By the way, you’ve found the best place to get answers to all you questions….and some of the answers might actually be right. ;D ;D ;D
Hi Brian,
Nice to see a fellow SJ-ite, (I'm a former Longport girl), good luck with your new tank build!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
sifujose said:
that makes sense thanks. What is better for a me a drop in pump or an external?

Wow, six of one, half a dozen of the other. You can go either way…pluses and minuses with both. I actually run a MAG 9 as a return pump for my 90….doesn’t make it right!
im reading about energy consumption and it seems that TEFC motor driven pumps are the way to go but what are they and is it overkill?
sifujose said:
any suggestions or words of advice?(besides dont start this hobby!

I hate to be the one to break this too you, but your already addicted. Its too late to get out so go with the flow. ;D

Heres a shot of my 20L sump. I like to keep the design simple.
wow steve that looks amazing. i want to start the refugium but i want to do it right. it looks like youve achieved that
I like the in sump pumps. More a matter of simplicity then anything. External pumps means you need to drill and few other things that I preferred in sump.
Making sure that everything fits is a very good idea.
Here is my fuge, skimmer, and general setup. No longer use coralife timer FYI.
Here is where I got my sump and skimmer
As noted above no longer use coralife time after others have had issues with them catching fire.
Also make sure you get a refractometer not a hydrometer.
Read lots of threads. Lots of good information here.
Also I strongly suggest a QT tank for your fish. There are lots of arguments on this but at the price of saltwater fish it only makes sense.