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Candy Cane

I have a small frag of a candy cane that has not been doing so well. All polyps have slowly been receding. I've tried moving it to different places around tank and it usually does ok for a day or so then continues to recede. Currently it's in a low flow area near another candy cane colony which is flourishing. it looks like it's getting worse. I've never seen it extend feeder tentacles and the mouth is too small for me to try spot feeding anything except phyto (which hasn't really helped it). Any suggestions?
Ok I gave up on this coral as the day after I posted original message, it's healthiest polyp receded down to skeleton. I threw him into the fuge and now, 2 weeks later, he's starting to recover. The fuge is being lit by a cheapo 60W spiral 5500K bulb. The only thing I can think of at this point is lighting. This guy was pretty shaded before and low in tank. I'm keeping him in fuge for now but eventually I want to get him back in display (8x54W T5). Any suggestions?
I'm running T5s as well (4-39w, 2 actinic and 2 10,000k) and I have my candy cane half way up on my rock work in a low flow area. Started with 4 heads about 3 months ago and I'm now up to 6. Seems unusual since your other CC is doing well. Perhaps when you reintroduce it to you display you start off low in the tank and allow it to adjust to you lights. Just my 2c.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What are your water parameters? I have to agree with Birds, my candycane is about halfway down (8”-9” below the water) and under T-5’s. It’s doing just fine. I’d be looking at something else other than just T5’s. I’d be looking at water parameters, how long do you leave the lights on, and if anybody is picking on the candycane? What other critters do you have in the tank and could one of them have a sweet-tooth for candycane?
Starting around Sept., 2 out of the 4 heads started receding. It was 3/4 down in the tank in medium flow area. I moved it down to fuge and it got better but few days later, another head started receding. Everything stayed pretty much the same for last two months, then last healthy head went from good one day to bad the next. No one was picking on it at the time as I was running fishless.

Water params:
SG 1.025
pH 8.30
dkH 8
CA 380 ppm
Temp 79
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 0

100 various snails
100 various hermits
Sebae Anemone (was on other side of tank)
Trumpet Coral (basically candy cane except all heads are close together)
Kenya Tree
2 Fire Cleaner Shrimps
Sand Sifting Sea Star
It was not close to it at any point that it was receding. I may never figure out what it was but it is a lot happier down in my fuge under the cheapo light and very low flow.
Do you still have this coral? If so,
I'm not sure about candy canes (since I don't have much luck with them in my tank 2 heads for 3 months w/no sign of growth), but some LPS will do better under low light conditions after they've been stressed out. They do not deal well with high flow, and its also quite possible that you just moved it around to much before it had time to acclimate.....

Good luck with it.
Still have it and it's healing back. I wasn't moving it around at all when it was in the display. Only when I saw it getting stressed did I move it around to try to find the right spot for it. It looks like the one I have doesn't like the lights I have. It has no bare skeleton now but the polyps are pretty small but at least it survived. I can see it trying to grow a new branch. I guess it will just sit in my fuge until I find a good spot for him.