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cleaning koralia's?

noticed what looks to be a little bit of bryposis growing on a couple of my koralia's. thankfully i do not see anywhere else in the tank. i've already battled this monster once (last year). i've removed both powerheads from the tank, how would you suggest cleaning them?
You can place them in vinegar for several hours or start scrubbing stuff off with hot water and vinegar. The Koralias come apart quite easily, so it shouldn't take too long to get them looking new.
cleaned them in hot water in vinegar, look almost new. they havent been cleaned in about 18 months, i kinda liked the way they looked encrusted in coraline, but i see now how much all that coraline was impacting their power, my tank is like a whirlpool now. ended up cleaning 4 out of the 5 i have in the tank. the 5th is fairly new and didnt need to be cleaned. they are all k4's. i have another k4 in my fuge.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I wouldn't soak the rubber parts. They seem to loose their holding ability.
are you talking about the suction cup parts? i actually dont use them. i find that they reduce the power in the magnets. in other words, the koralia's stay on better without them. the problem i have is that i use a thin sheet of plexiglass between the sides and back of my tank (in-wall tank). it is painted black and it helps block out the lights from my 55g fuge that is located in behind my tank in my 'fish tank room'. it makes a big difference at night. so i have problems with my koralia staying on the glass sometimes b/c the magnets 'power' has to go through the tank and the seat of plexiglass. hard to explain, hope you understand what i mean.
I use hot water and an old tooth brush. I made the mistake of cleaning one of mine above a sink (dont know why)and lost a shaft down the drain.