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Clowns are amazing..

My husband's Red Sea Max housed a clown for two years along with her frogspawn that she hosted. When I put up my 180 I stocked it six months ago with a pair of clowns - they refused to host anything in the tank. I broke down my hubbys tank and couldn't find a home for his clown so I decided to try placing all three clowns into the 180. One week later all three are hosting the frogspawns in my tank and are inseparable! I'd always wanted something to school but I didn't think it would be my clowns! (lol)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Kat! Good to "see" you! :)

Glad to hear the clowns are all getting along and that they are ALL now hosting happily! How's the tank doing?
Phyl -- Yea- It's been a while. I've been lurking but not posting much. The tank is doing very well! I'll post a FTP along with the clowns when my lights come on. It's amazing the polyp extension I can get in a tank with no nitrates and no angels to nip at the corals!
Hey Kat!

So the frogspawns don't mind the hosting? I've avoided clowns in my LPS tank for this reason.

Don't know if you saw the pics of my 180, but it's mostly frogs and hammers and I want them as open as possible.
If they choose the frogspawn as host, it might irritate the frogspawn a bit but usually they're hardy enough not to be too upset about it, especially if it is a larger one.
I just picked up a pair. What's the best food for these guys? I got flakes and a freeze dried medley. They seem to want the flake (red only) but they are so slow to get it and the other fish devour it. Then I tried this freeze dried medley . It seems they only like the small dark bloodworms. I use the TOPFIN FREEZE DRIED MEDLEY - Daphnia, mysis shrimp, and bloodworms. Any advice on food and how to feed. I want to make sure they are getting their fill.
Blange--- I have seen your tank. It's beautiful! The frogspawn don't seem to mind them hosting. The one in my hubby's tank was huge and rapidly growing. It's about 15 heads now, started at four and I think I've fragged off 10-15 heads when it gets too big. The other two are 50 heads total - the clowns have just started hosting them, but they don't seem to mind. Still open up fully - it's been about 10 days.

old salty -- The hubby's clown was eating flake with not much of annything to compete with her. The ones in my tank eat a frozen mix that I created. Hubby's clown is now eating that as well. They're pretty aggressive when it comes to food, fighting off the tangs and CBS to get their food.








Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The picture of the 3 of them in the frog is awesome. And such happy looking frogspawn. I thought you figured out the gallery ... until I checked the properties. I guess you went the photobucket route! :)
I knew I wouldn't have enough time in the next few days to upload if I didn't do it last night so,,, photobucket it was! Still gotta work on the gallery issue.
katlongo said:
I knew I wouldn't have enough time in the next few days to upload if I didn't do it last night so,,, photobucket it was! Still gotta work on the gallery issue.

Please! Photobucket is blocked at work and I have to wait until I get home to see the beautiful pics! ;D
i just recently added a green bta for my pair of true percs, they havent looked it! they did however just start hosting some green hairy mushrooms. pretty cool i guess