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Coral Food

not the exact recipe but i def. make my own and the corals seem to love it. i basically use alittle of everything that i have laying around

mysis, brine, freeze dried blood worms, flake, pellets, frozen cubes of things like mussel, squid, plankton and others, fresh veggies, baby fish food powder like hikari first bites, selcon, garlic, algae and whatever i can get to use. i have yet to feed a raw shrimp to my fish tank as ive heard of people losing anemones due to giving them it which i would assume is due to its difficulty to digest. im sure if its finely chopped up it would be fine, but i leave the shrimp for me ;D
before mixing everything i try to pre-rinse as much of the foods as i can in RO/DI water. i then mix the food, ziplock bag it and spread it out with a spoon or my finger so its flat and freeze.
Do the fish get the same food as well? I was wondering how to have a shotgun solution to both fish and coral.
I assume you just break a chunk off than, put on a plate, drop some tank water on it to thaw it and pour it in? or target feed it to your corals?
ill blend half of it fine and add some more larger things and just tap the food processor for a second to give it a quick stir.


Iuse coral frenzy works very well and cyclopese... both are great switch them up whenever you feed.Do one this day and another on the other day.
My moseleya just picked up a bunch of stuff from the water column and is looks awesome when it feeds. Preparing food is off for this weekend. My tank is in dreadful shape got to fix that first.
i do use seaweed. i soak it until its soft and add it to the mix. i have purple/red and green kinds. i also picked up a bag of mixed seafood from an asian food store for $3.