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DI resin regeneration

It depends, do you have separate beds or a mixed bed. If mixed beds it is a real pain in the ass to separate the resins, which HAVE to be separated. You also have to get some very nasty chemicals to do this a follow disposal procedures.
Boomer said:
It depends, do you have separate beds or a mixed bed. If mixed beds it is a real pain in the ass to separate the resins, which HAVE to be separated. You also have to get some very nasty chemicals to do this a follow disposal procedures.

So if no one regenerates their resin, is everybody just thrwing it out?
Separate resin beds are fairly easy to regenerate, but there are harsh chemicals involved (6:1 dilution of muriatic acid and diluted lye (sodium hydroxide). When you mix the output of each regeneration, they neutralize each other and are safe for disposal (down the drain).