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Do Freshwater aquariums stink?

Thinking of starting a 55g community freshwater tank and was just wondering, do they smell? I plan to have it in my living room and saltwater isn't in the budget just yet.

If you don't do any water changes and let stuff get real cruddy it could. My 75 doesn't unless I go wayyyy to long in between water changes.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Having had freshwater tanks for over 45 years, I can tell you emphatically that they do not stink. I can’t even imagine what you would have to do to make them start to stink. I currently have one in my living room and one at the top of my stairs….no smells whatsoever.

By the way, this is a saltwater site, so you might want to join one of the many freshwater forums and repost this question there.

Thanks, Paul
Mine never stunk...
I even had a gar and some channel cats and some clawed frogs in it and only feed them goldfish...
I just ran a hang on the back filter with the carbon and floss and an air pump with some air stone bars...
Mine was a 75 gallon and a 20 gallon..
nope, not as long as its established. while its cycling the nitrogen cycle could cause some bad smells but even then i would doubt it would be an issue. Matter of fact my planted tank has a great earthy smell to it when you get close. Its really nice to have in a room with potted plants because they can benefit from the added humidity to the room.
I'm running a 29 gallon mixed FW tank (half fish/half frogs). I would think that if any of them had an odor if would be mine. BUT - it doesn't. None at all. Weekly water changes, along with changing out the filter carbon works wonders.

Before that I ran several FW tanks, and none of them ever emitted any kind of foul smell (and I double checked with my son because they were all in HIS room).