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Dream Skimmer

I have been upgrading my system piece by piece and now I'm considering a high end skimmer. If money didn't matter what would everyone choose?

Yes, money does matter but, I'm already dead if she ever finds out the real costs and a little more won't hurt, right?


NJRC Member
I just picked up my dream skimmer. I got it used to it wasn't to bad. Skimmer is one of the most important investments you can make for tank is what I was always told.


I was asking because I have a chance to pick up a Deltec AP851 for $750-800. It's 2 years old but looks like new.


I second the Reeflo Orca 250. For the money, its a great value. You should break off the acrylic ring on the cover though to give you even better performance. Thats what I did with mine and it pulls a lot more skimmate than before.
While very nice I think the Deltec's are overpriced compared to similar skimmers.

Bubble King have always had a good reputation but these days buck for buck the Volcano skimmers are probably the best value in large skimmers.

The Predator downdrafts have had a solid reputation and pull a lot from the water and are pretty reasonable in price also.
